BBC & Met Office scare stories for January 2022

BBC & Met Office scare stories for January 2022

BBC & Met Office claims for January 2022 for the UK

In a post from NALOPKT. about claims made by the BBC and UK Met Office about the weather of January 2022, I thought it needed some investigation.

Since October 1998 we have been collecting raw weather data in METAR format for 28 locations in the UK. 24 locations are comprised of 48 x ½ hourly observation and the other 4 over 20-36 observation per day.

This is what I found from the last 24 years of UK weather:

They suggested it was a very warm, with record-breaking January temperatures:

Over the last 24 years of recorded January weather these are the results.

Maximum Temperature Tx: there have been 5 years with equal or higher than maximum temperatures thanJan2022

Minimum Temperature Tn: there have been 13 years with equal or higher minimum temperatures than Jan2022

Mean Temperature Tm: there have been 10 years with equal or higher mean temperatures than Jan2022

They mentioned about two destructive storms, two people dead, and thousands of homes without power:

Storms are best understood by using maximum Wind Speed (WSx) and minimum Pressure (Pn)

Maximum Wind Speed WSx: there have been 13 years with equal or higher Wind Speeds than Jan2022

Minim Pressure Pn: There have been 23 years when the minimum pressure has been lower than Jan2022

They say it has been the third sunniest on record for the UK:

Sunshine hours: there have been 5 sunnier days than Jan2022

They say for England & Wales rainfall was 40% less.

Rainfall Volume (RV): there have been 2 years with less rainfall volume.

Rainfall duration (RD): at an average of 2.5 hours Jan2022 is the lowest recorded over the last 24 years.


When these data are summed up, unlike their scare stories, it has not been an unusual January for weather in the UK for the last 24 years.