Weather & Life
Consider the very first form of life on Earth would have been stimulated by gases, heat, light, water, and pressure [weather parameters]
This very first form of life must have had a mechansim to cope with varying levels of gases, hot/cold, light/dark (UV/IR), wet/dry, high/low pressure as well as acidity/alkalinity and varying levels of salinity.
The very first form of life had to be as simple as biochemistry would allow for a functional organism, which could metabolise, grow, maintain homeostsis, have an immune system, and self replicate. To think that life started with complex macromolecules such as RNA and DNA would not adhere to absolute evolution theory. As amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of life, this is where we started this part of our study.
A Theoretical Consideration:
The biochemical structures and method used to find a potential candidate is confidental at this time, due to patent implications.
Using chemical drawing software, we found a small compound having two different structures, depending on we suggest, the stimuli of either UV or IR radiation. During UV stimuli the weak structure has two embedded activating enzymes and synthesises a specific hormone.
During IR stimuli, the strong structure also has two embedded activating enzymes and synthesises another hormone plus a symmetrical hetero-cyclic compound. When UV stimuli returned the strong bonding broke. Individually, both these structures passed all APlog, H donor and receiver, and structural tests as valid. The molecular weight of both structures is less than 500 Daltons.
During UV stimuli the small compound releases a specific hormone, plus in the presence of CO2 and H2O, the weak bonded structure has the ability to photosynthesise producing ATP, NADPH and a carbohydrate (alternating UV/IR produces a sugar regulator). ATP is used by the right hand side of this structure to self-replicate that half. During IR stimuli the small compound releases a different hormone, with the presence of H2O, produced by peptide re-bonding. The left hand structure can self-replicate, producing an acidity and temperature regulator . We suggest the new part to the right of the structure α-helixes and folds under to join the new part of the left hand structure centred on the symmetrical hetero-cylic compound, thus synthesising a potential peptide nucleic acid. We suggest the small compound is found in the mitochondrial sac of iPCRGCs in mammals and in chloroplasts of plants.
The synthesis of the two inversely acting hormones during alternating UV/IR, the synthesis of carbohydrates, or not, depending on alternating UV/IR suggests a sugar regulator, and the synthesis of another compound in IR mode, and not the other, which is a known temperature and acidity regulator, suggests a fundamental balancing mechanism. We also suggest that reactions of the small compound structure changes to alternating UV/IR stimuli creates bio-rhythms.
Analysis of all the information we have gathered suggests the small compound and it's reactions to weather (weather coping mechanism) is a very likely candidate for the very first form of life on earth, providing a new hypothesis of evolution. We also suggest, as this small compound, is potentially found the mitochondria in every cell of every living organism today, all life evolved from this simplicity.
Endosymbiosis theory suggests prokaryotic life was "subsumed" by eukaryotic life. How did eukaryotic life survive without a fundamental coping mechanism? Simply it couldn't, eukaryotic life evolved from prokaryotic life.
Sleep is good for you
As the small compound reverts to it's strong bond during periods of IR, this is when the immune system can repair mutations caused by UV during the day. It was also noted when we sleep, even during the day, the small compound is in strong bond, repair mode. On showery days the UV/IR switching can vary many times during the day.
We are notably happier, vibrant and energetic during periods of sunshine even on a cold day, this has got to do with the release of the hormone during UV stimuli. Seasonal affective disorder, occurs during times of less light during IR, particularly relevant to far north and far south hemispheres in respective winters, where light is a scarce commodity. We did some research on global suicide rates and will place in a news article soon.

7 Dogmas of Biology
- The Central Dogma of molecular biology
- Essential Amino Acids
- Synthesis of some hormones
- Humans do not photosynthesise
- Circadian Rhythms are based on a 24 hour clock
- Endosymbiosis theory
- Evolution theory
But what if?
- Proteins can transfer information to a peptide nucleic acid
- Some amino acids are already present in a living body
- Some hormones are synthesised differently from current understanding
- Photosynthesis takes place in mitochondrial cells of all living organisms
- Circadian Rhythms are based on photon reception of alternating ultraviolet/infrared radiation
- Eukaryotic cells are an evolutionary extension of prokaryotic cells
- There was no primordial soup, just one droplet of condensed water vapour action on some amino acids
We have logical and well researched answers to the above 7 dogmas. The what ifs? give you some clues.