RED, AMBER & GREEN Holiday Travel

RED, AMBER & GREEN Holiday Travel

*The big question from the the following analysis based on 01Jun-06Aug2021 is; why do people need expensive multiple testing when there is a higher risk of dying from COVID-19 in the UK than Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Malta and Cyprus; surely all these countries should be on the green list.

Figure 1 shows daily COVID-19 deaths for the UK and 8 popular European countries popular with UK holidaymakers, between 01Jun-06Aug2021
In this period UK deaths have been rising significantly from 15July exceeding all other countries from 20July (weekend reporting causes the lower figures)

Figure 2 shows each country with total COVID-19 deaths for the period 01Jun-06Aug2021 and their traffic light colour designation.

Apart from Turkey and France (only just) all other countries are below the UK numbers of deaths.

Survival rates compared with the UK:
Greece 61% better
Spain 22% better
Portugal 84% better
Italy 15% better
France 8% worse
Malta 99.9% better
Cyprus 97% better
Turkey 89% worse.

Figure 3 shows COVI-19 deaths for the 06Aug2021

UK had the second highest deaths, just below Turkey.

Survival rates compared with the UK:
Greece 77% better
Spain 18% better
Portugal 80% better
Italy 74% better
France 45% better
Malta 100% better
Cyprus 96% better
Turkey 10% worse.

Figure 4 shows COVID-19 deaths per million from Mar2020-06Aug2021

Survival rates compared with the UK:
Greece 33% better
Spain 8% better
Portugal 10% better
Italy 11% worse
France 10% better
Malta 50% better
Cyprus 48% worse
And the unbelievable Turkey 68% better.