The Sun & Water (Solid, Liquid and Gas) Controls Weather & Climate

The Sun & Water (Solid, Liquid and Gas) Controls Weather & Climate

The sun is the major source of heat for the Earth.

Correlation between RH and Sun is -0.76

Correlation between Tmax and Sun is 0.53

Correlation between RH and Tmax is -0.41

Figure 1 ahows a very strong negative relationship between Relative Humidity and Sunshine. A moderate positive correlaion between maximum Temperature and Sunshine and a moderate negative correlation between Relative Humidity an maximum Temperature.

Stating the obvious Sunshine is affected by cloud cover and type, more cloud, less Sun.

I suggest the Sun dries the air, which then increases Temperatures.

But of course it depends on the air mass.

UK average daily 05Oct1998 to 30Sep2020

There is NO statistically significant change to the trend of maximum Temperature, Relative Humidity or Sunshine.